

Mostly I reimagine discarded items into new forms of art, and sometimes I just paint… when I’m not playing dress-up in vintage and reimagined clothing. And then some days I get distracted and do something completely different, just to shake things up.

3D Art
Shop Wearable Art
My Work


Why I do what I do

“I don’t know where I’m going from here but I promise it won’t be boring.”

-David Bowie

For me, art is a pathway to other worlds, to the unimaginable, an escape. Art pushes me to think deeper, wider, higher, bigger. Art constantly urges me to say “what if”. Art is a constant practice in failure. Art is humbling and encouraging. Art has infinite possibilities and yet starting is always the hardest part. Art is release and fulfillment. Art is devastating and up-lifting. Art is life giving.

Artist Statement: Through the process of giving new life to discarded and recycled items in unusual or unexpected ways, I encourage the viewer to spend time being still, to focus, look deeper, explore another angle, and challenge the perception of what an object is or could be. This creates an opportunity to practice the skills needed to have an open mind and explore new possibilities, to go beyond absolutes. Each of the found items are riddled with the whispers of adventures from a previous existence, imperfections that combine to tell a new story, so much bigger than their individual ones. Just like the lost treasures in my work, I encourage people to bring their imperfect selves and become a part of a story that is larger than any one person or thing. To envision a world outside of themselves, a world of wonder, awe, and beauty that can be found in everyone and everything if only we have opened our minds enough to see it.


Theatrical Design

2004 – 2008
Artist Member

Center for Contemporary Arts

Abilene, TX

Oct 2022

Association for Visual Arts

Chattanooga, TN

June 2023

1st Place

CALF Costume Contest


2nd Place

CALF Costume Contest


Artist Member Group Show

Center for Contemporary Arts

December 2022

Drinking the Sun: Group Show

Center for Contemporary Arts
“How I Learned to Fly”

June 2023

Annual Juried Show

Association for Visual Arts
“Flying Fish”

July 2023

CCAN Juried Show

Center for Contemporary Arts
“Where Water and Stars Meet”

July 2023

Why I am the way I am

“Everyone is born creative; everyone is given a box of crayons in kindergarten. Then when you hit puberty they take the crayons away and replace them with dry, uninspiring books on algebra, history, etc. Being suddenly hit years later with the ‘creative bug’ is just a wee voice telling you, ‘I’d like my crayons back, please’.”

-Hugh MacLeod


Growing up, my mom always had drawers of craft supplies so that when we caught the creative bug we could make until our hearts were content. It was these drawers of glue, glitter, paint, paper, felt, beads, and anything else we could imagine that still influence my preferred method of making art.

When I was young and would feel overwhelmed or stressed I used art as an outlet. One night, instead of studying for a test, I remember collaging and painting a bar stool. When I finished I felt like I could breathe again and my head had space to prepare for the test. It was like magic.

Then when I was in sixth grade I inherited my great-grandmother’s sewing machine. Being able to sew opened up a whole new world of possibilities. In high school, I participated in theatre and was given the opportunity to explore all aspects of theatrical design, as well as use my new found sewing skills.

In college I studied theatrical design with a focus in costuming and was able to take a few art courses as well. My favorite classes were 3D art and interior design. I wished I could have taken more classes but time did not allow. 

After college I married my best friend and we started our life together which quickly included two children. Many cities, states, careers, houses, and life lessons later we found ourselves back in my hometown of Abilene Texas. The transition allowed our family time to slow down and focus on what was really important to us. Although I had some creative outlets, I hadn’t had the space or time for a studio in over 10 years. 

So here I am, picking up my box of crayons again, and feeling more like myself than I have in a long time.